Congratulations to Vice Rector, Dr. Aning Ayucitra

Congratulations to Dr. Aning Ayucitra who inaugurated as Vice Rector of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya (UKWMS) on Dec. 1 2020.

Dr. Aning Ayucitra received her PhD from Taiwan Tech in 2020 majoring in chemical engineering. She worked as an instructor in charge of a course “Introduction to Indonesian Culture and Language” while working for her PhD and she was also the co-principal investigator of “Engineers in Action”, the University Social Responsibility (USR) project granted by Ministry of Education, Taiwan.

We are delighted and proud for her and we are looking forward to more collaborations and stronger ties between Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya (UKWMS) and Taiwan Tech.

Vice Rector Aning Ayucitra (second from the left)

Vice Rector Aning Ayucitra (second from the left)

Vice Rector Aning Ayucitra (second from the left)

Vice Rector Aning Ayucitra (second from the left)